UK Ground Hazards and Property: The Risks You Need to Know

UK Ground Hazards and Property: If you think of geohazards or georisks, you would be right in thinking that, geologically, the UK is a fairly benign place.

Here are very few earthquakes, no volcanoes (anymore!) and luckily no tsunamis. On a global scale, the UK is relatively stable – but dig a little deeper and our rich and varied geology and our long history of extensive mineral extraction create a number of human and natural ground hazards that pose a very real risk to property, land, business and livelihoods.

What is clear is that climate change will exacerbate the risks that ground hazards pose. Higher temperatures, changing rainfall patterns and more severe weather conditions will see a greater number of properties and wider and more varied areas of land affected by clay-related subsidence, erosion and landslip. Crucially, being an island nation, we may have to accept that more and more homes and coastal communities will become lost to the sea.

The experts at Terrafirma are excited to bring you a new 6-part educational series, exploring human and natural ground hazards, how they impact our homes and our businesses, and what we can expect in the future.

NEW Education Series from Terrafirma – UK Ground Hazards and Property: The Risks You Need to Know.

You can learn more about ground hazards and the impact on property across the UK in these coffee-break events, where you can ask the experts questions pertinent to your profession, interest or region: See the full series and sign up here.


Kindly shared by Terrafirma