TA6 4th Edition Guidance notes – have you got the correct version?

The Law Society published the 4th edition TA6 and TA6 4th edition Guidance notes on 7th February 2020, but the guidance notes contained inaccuracies.

In case you downloaded the TA6 Guidance notes on or after 7th February 2020 from your forms provider or The Law Society website, you might want to check they are the correct current version, before you provide them to clients along with their TA6?

As a Law Society authorised Legal Forms provider, ‘FormEvo’ have spotted inaccuracies in relation to the TA6 Guidance notes. We know many Conveyancer/ Compliance supervisors, download such ‘Guidance’ into their own knowledge systems and recycle that content to clients matter by matter.

In which case you might wish to check you have the correct amended version that was silently updated on the 14th February by the Law Society.

TA6 4th Edition Guidance notes - have you got the correct version?

You can get a current correct copy by clicking on the link here www.FormEvo.co.uk  if you like.

The FormEvo corrected version shows you (as per below) the release date to confirm you have the right edition.

TA6 4th Edition Guidance notes - have you got the correct version?

For your reference the original version inaccuracies were as follows:-
  • Question 1.4 – This question (in 3rd Edition) used to refer to both sale of land that used to be part of the property as well as adjacent land purchased during the ownership. The new phrasing of this question asks only for land purchased, but the explanatory notes (as at release date 07.02.2020) did not reflect this.
  • Section 6 – Insurance – 2 new questions 6.2 and 6.3 had no explanatory notes at all. Original explanatory notes have not been renumbered to account for the changes 6.2 and 6.3 and should be 6.4 and 6.5 (as at release date 07.02.2020) 
  • Section 8 – Rights – 8.4 has been split into 8.4 and 8.5 but in the explanatory notes it is referred to as 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 which then makes the explanatory notes for 8.5 to 8.7 incorrect, (as at release date 07.02.2020)
  • Section 9 – Parking – Original explanatory notes listed as 9.1 a and 9.1 b (as at release date 07.02.2020) – questions should be listed as 9.1 and 9.2.

Talking of the TA6 and its Guidance notes, how do you ‘Share’ these with your client? since it is a form that they must complete.

There is an efficiency saving feature called ‘Bundling’ which allows the TA6 and its Guidance Notes to be produced together as a ‘bundle’ for you to then use ‘Form Share’ with, in order to share with your client – providing new working processes to enhance the client experience! No more poor-quality handwritten versions to decipher and copy up.

TA6 4th Edition Guidance notes - have you got the correct version?

This is how you ‘Share’ your TA6 with your client:

TA6 4th Edition Guidance notes - have you got the correct version?

Once ‘Shared‘ (and you have entered the client email address and mobile number) an invitation email is sent by you (with your email signature on to provide reassurance) to follow a link within – that takes them to a web page, that has your firms name and Logo on it to provide reassurance that they are in the right place.

Click the button to open the form and your client is asked to enter the code that has just been texted to their mobile to authenticate they are the correct person, this is called ‘Two Factor Authentication’. After that, they see a cut down version of the above image.

Now it is time to fill in the form, save it, close it, come back to later, as suits the client. Completing can be via a computer, phone or iPad whilst walking around the house, completing as they go. Nothing gets missed! Easy.

Once completed the client can ‘Finalise’ the draft, which removes the ‘Draft Watermark’ and Print which initiates and email to the Fee Earner that all is done…nearly….the last clever stage is now, the client has 2 choices. ‘Print to paper, wet ink sign, put in envelope, find a stamp, take to the post box and post’ or ‘eSign’?

eSign is a secure electronic signature technology that is fast, cheaper than post and meets the expectations of today’s tech-savvy. The conveyancer is alerted to the ‘eSigned’ TA6 by an email including the final document. The client has a copy of the same email and signed form, another step in speeding up the conveyancing process for your client.

TA6 4th Edition Guidance notes - have you got the correct version?

Sound interesting? You know what to do next….

TA6 4th Edition Guidance notes - have you got the correct version?

Please note the TA6 form is The Law Society copyright, which prohibits the use of, where a conveyancers royalty fee has not shown to be paid for (currently £125 p.a. via FormEvo.co.uk) and must NOT be in a freely distributable format like Microsoft WORD.

CQS-accredited members and conveyancers in general, would not want to expose inadvertently their firms to Law Society copyright infringement obviously, via using Word based versions of TA6 and other forms. Be Aware.

Now it becomes clear why ‘FormShare’ as described above is an example of the correct methodology to use and follow, whilst facilitating client completion of the form safely, easily and retains your firms Law Society compliance.

The Law Society is currently investigating the sources of this Copyright infringement in the Legal Forms arena.


Kindly shared by SDLT.co.uk