LGA responds to quarterly homelessness statistics

The Local Government Association (LGA) responds to the latest quarterly homelessness statistics, that show a rise in the number of households threatened with homelessness due to the service of a Section 21 notice.

Cllr David Renard, housing spokesperson for the LGA, said:

“Councils work incredibly hard to prevent the tragedy of homelessness from happening, as well as supporting those who find themselves affected.

“The dramatic rise in the number of ‘no fault evictions’ is deeply concerning, as well as the steep rise in approaches to councils from households in the private rented sector. This is putting additional pressure on homelessness services.

“Councils want to see an end ‘no fault evictions’ in their entirety and are eager to work with government on a plan to safeguard tenants as part of the forthcoming Renters Reform Bill.”


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