House of Lords attempt to block evictions voted down

Conservative peers have voted down an attempt by Liberal Democratic Baroness Olly Grender to block evictions from restarting.

The motion was defeated by 126 votes to 266, with most Labour peers abstaining from voting.

Following the vote, Baroness Grender told The Mirror:

“The fact that during a second wave of an epidemic and in the run-up to winter some families may now be facing homelessness thanks to the government’s legislation is shameful.

“Although this motion was a rather unprecedented tactic, we find ourselves in unprecedented times.

“It was a missed opportunity to help all those families threatened with eviction, with no cash and no options, who are in desperate need of support.”

Timothy Douglas, policy and campaigns manager, ARLA Propertymark, responded to the House of Lords bid to block evictions.

Douglas said:

“No-one wants to see anyone unfairly evicted from their homes, but where necessary access to a swift, efficient, and cost-effective justice system is a key component of a successful lettings industry.

“Calls to block evictions will do nothing to improve the situation for tenants and landlords dealing with rent arears built up because of the impact of Coronavirus.

“Efforts must be focused on ensuring the UK government introduce emergency financial help to tenants in England who have fallen into arrears due to the pandemic. This is the only way to support those who are struggling and sustain tenancies.”


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