tmgroup secures new ISO Information Security certification

Leading property searches, legal data and technology provider, tmgroup, has successfully obtained a new ISO Information Security certification, to further improve how it manages information assets and data.

The ISO27001: 2013 certification is recognised globally as the gold standard for information security management, giving tmgroup’s clients the added reassurance that their data and information is managed in accordance with rigorous standards.

tmgroup’s Head of IT Operations, James Canfer, comments:

“In achieving ISO27001:2013 certification, we have elevated ourselves from our previous accredited status, greatly strengthening our internal processes and practices as a result. 

“This is the first step, with us targeting ISO27001:2022 certification in 2024. 

“Beyond that, our ambition is for ISO27001 to be the foundation upon which we continually improve our information security management practices to ever higher standards.”

Thomas Maerz, CEO at tmgroup, adds:

“With cyber security threats becoming more and more sophisticated, we are proud to meet the highest standards for our information and data security.

“This ISO certification gives our clients the utmost confidence in the reliability, protection and continuity of our services, and creating even more value for them, as their trusted partner in the legal data and technology space.”


Legal firms can find out more about tmgroup’s range of residential and commercial services and its technology approach here.


Kindly shared by tmgroup