The SLC announces the release of Position Paper on HMLR backlogs

The Society of Licensed Conveyancers (SLC) announces the release of Position Paper on HMLR backlogs, which will clarify proposals for moving forward.

The SLC has issued a position paper in respect of the continuing backlogs at His Majesty’s Land Registry (HMLR), which contains clear proposals on how to move forward.

SLC Chairperson, Simon Law, said:

“We fully recognise that conveyancers have a very important role to play in reducing the number of unnecessary requisitions and improve the quality of their submissions.

“However, the delays in registration of first title, transfers of part, and complex leasehold matters go back to 2016, and it is not appropriate to conflate the two issues, except in so far as eradicating the backlog will take pressure off post completions work, which in turn will help get routine submissions right first time.

“These delays are causing additional costs for all parties, and we are particularly concerned that they are having a significant impact on consumers.

“During the continued cost of living crisis, it is particularly concerning that the backlogs are causing additional stress when consumers are trying to remortgage their properties, and are not actually registered as the proprietor.”

The Society has made three clear proposals to HMLR in respect of working together on quality of submissions, dealing with the backlog, and working more effectively with mortgage lenders in respect of registration and discharge data. The paper sets these out in greater detail.

Simon added:

“We remain committed to continue working with HMLR and our members in respect of improving the situation for all parties involved.”


You can read more on the details of the Position Paper here.


Kindly shared by The Society of Licensed Conveyancers (SLC)