SLC and key industry suppliers line up to support The ESTAS Customer Service Awards
The ESTAS Group which runs the Customer Review platform and Awards for conveyancers has announced new partners as it gears up for its 2019 conference & awards event.
The Society of Licensed Conveyancers has been named as the ESTAS ‘Industry Association Partner’.
Simon Brown, founder of The ESTAS Group, explains:
“We are delighted to welcome the SLC as our industry partner, specialist property lawyers do not get distracted by other legal work enabling them to deliver better service levels and that’s what ESTAS is all about, putting the spotlight on firms providing excellent service and helping to raise service standards across the conveyancing sector.”
The ESTAS, which are sponsored by SearchFlow, are the only awards for conveyancers where winners are selected purely on ratings provided by clients who have completed an ESTAS review. The ESTAS survey asks 10 questions about the customer journey from first point of contact right through to completion. Last year 45,000 surveys were completed. The feedback data generated not only determines the winners but provides benchmarking data for firms looking to learn about their service delivery and how they can improve it.
Val Holmes, Chairperson of the SLC said:
“We are really pleased to be partnering with The ESTAS Conveyancer Awards which are based on client feedback as there is no greater arbiter of quality than the client. SLC members provide a service that is essentially client focused as they are engaged only in the provision of conveyancing. They can keep fully abreast of all legal, technical and system developments and by the provision of the Society’s Guides so their clients well informed about the process. We look forward to seeing a lot of Licensed Conveyancers in the ‘winners circle’ at the Awards Dinner.”
A host of key suppliers to the conveyancing sector have also been announced as ESTAS Partners for 2019 including DUAL Underwriting.
Mark Dennis, Head of Online Services at DUAL, said:
“We are delighted to be supporting The ESTAS. Like them we are passionate about customer service. We offer a class leading insurance service but we know clients have a choice so we are always focused on delivering the best service we can. These awards are designed to raise service standards across the conveyancing sector so we are proud to be an ESTAS Partner for 2019.”
Other ESTAS Partners for 2019 include Legal Eye, Inside Conveyancing, Lawyer Checker, Solve Legal, The Move Exchange and Bold Legal Group who will be hosting their conference with The ESTAS Awards on 18th October.
To find out more about the ESTAS review platform, the conference and awards go to
Kindly shared by The ESTAS Group