RICS guide on inspections, following latest government update

Following the recent government update on coronavirus, new ‘COVID-19 secure’ guidance has been published by BEIS for professionals working in other people’s homes.

It includes specific reference to surveyors and is designed to be relevant for people who provide services in, and to, people’s homes (whether employed or self-employed) as well as employers of these individuals.

Download the document

This document is one of a set of guidances about how to work safely in different types of workplaces. It includes recommendations on risk assessment, social distancing at work, PPE and interacting with householders.

RICS has been engaging extensively with the U.K. government and working with the residential property industry to seek clarity and identify ways to support surveyors. Over the coming days, we will publish practical guidance to support RICS professionals who play a critical role in the housing sector, specifically on physical inspections for mortgage valuations and home surveys.


Kindly shared by Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)