HSPG comments on Michael Gove’s reappointment as Housing Secretary

Guy Horne, CEO of HSPG, comments on Michael Gove’s reappointment as Housing Secretary and why levelling up must be placed back on the agenda.

As the UK deals with the fourth switch up of Housing Secretary in four months, what is clear for the re-appointed Michael Gove is that the Levelling-Up Agenda must be placed firmly back on the table.

Gove has been given the opportunity to finish what he started.

Development and investment into deprived areas and those outside the southeast of England is welcomed, as would be a new approach to planning laws to bolster house building and help the Government meet the country’s overwhelming demand for housing.

Before Gove was replaced with Greg Clark in July, he expressed that the cost-of-living pressures people faced would only deepen inequalities throughout the UK.

According to the Financial Fairness Trust, one in every six households is living in serious financial difficulties.

Therefore, it’s clear that Gove’s levelling-up agenda is very much needed.

Rishi Sunak’s government must make good on its 2019 manifesto commitment of investing in communities across the country.

There can be no growth without levelling up.”


Kindly shared by HSPG

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