Government unveils latest planning overhaul to boost housing market
The Government has confirmed an overhaul of local plans as part of its planning reforms to boost property supply.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government announced yesterday that there will now be an expectation for local plans to be made within two-and-a-half-years as opposed to an average time of seven years.
New changes include introducing regular assessments to help councils stay on track towards meeting their housebuilding targets, greater clarity about how plans should be prepared and updated, and using digital tools to increase transparency on available land for new development.
This is backed by an additional £4.5m to fund salary bursaries for new planning roles in councils, with ambitions to surpass the Government’s manifesto commitment of 300 extra planners by the end of next year.
Housing and Planning Minister Matthew Pennycook said:
“The plan-led approach is, and must remain, the cornerstone of our planning system and the government are determined to progress toward universal coverage of local plans.
“The steps we are taking today will ensure that local plans are simpler, faster to prepare and more accessible so that communities in every part of the country can more easily shape decisions about how to deliver the housing and wider development their areas need.
“Alongside further guidance and support to help local authorities realise the full potential of this government’s planning reforms, these changes will help deliver our ambitious Plan for Change milestone of building 1.5m new homes in this Parliament.”
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