Future Climate Info Extends COPSO Executive Membership Commitment
Future Climate Info (FCI) has today announced that they are extending their existing role within the Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO) as ongoing Executive Members.
Following a period of rapid growth and a series of data innovations and product launches, this is a clear commitment to reinforce the market leading standards in CoPSO’s Search Code that has protected consumers for over 12 years, with widespread lender support.
FCI has led the way in the environmental reports market: the first to provide polygon based searches for residential transactions; the first to use exception reporting, using data intelligence to inform on the expert opinion and the first to deliver more concise reports to focus on the issues that matter.
Geoff Offen, Managing Director, Future Climate Info
Geoff Offen, Managing Director, Future Climate Info, said:
“Our focus on data quality and innovation is about delivering better clarity for solicitors, lenders and home buyers and this is at the heart of what the Search Code also stands for.
“Both the CML Handbook and Law Society Handbook endorse the Search Code for meaningful and demanding standards for the private sector Search industry.
“We are proud to be playing a more central role and look forward to supporting property search resellers in maintaining and enhancing these standards with our compliant environmental data and opinion, backed with our expertise.”
FCI is also regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), the worldwide regulator of property professionals. FCI’s in-house expertise is driven by not only RICS’ royal charter for the protection of the consumer, but also ensures that it acts with professional integrity, competence and provides high service standards.
The environmental risk team are also professionally qualified experts, including a SilC (Specialist in Land Condition), with active development programmes for CIWEM and IEMA accreditation. This ensures property solicitors accessing environmental reports from Search Code compliant resellers can access the best insight so their clients can take action with confidence.
Offen continued:
“As the property data market moves on, so too does the need to ensure that expertise and compliance come with it. Ensuring that our environmental data provides value, protection and insight for property buyers matches the ethos of COPSO’s Search Code and is central to our ongoing strategy.”
Kindly shared by Future Climate Info