Energy assessors query Which? EPC accuracy research

Energy assessor trade body the Property Energy Professionals Association (PEPA) has clashed again with consumer watchdog Which? on the accuracy of EPC research.

It follows another report from Which? this week that questioned the accuracy of energy performance certificates and the qualifications of assessors.

The research warned that EPCs can be riddled with inaccuracies and unhelpful advice that could cost homeowners when they come to sell or make home improvements.

It is the second time in as many months that the consumer watchdog has expressed concerns about EPCs.

But Mike Ockenden, head of secretariat for PEPA, questioned the analysis.

Ockenden said:

“It appears yet again, Which? has issued a press release about EPCs and at no stage engaged with us for input. 

“We do not know the selection process for how they commissioned the 12s EPC, but to use the findings to impugn the quality of over 20m EPCs is frankly irresponsible. 

“The irony is that PEPA actually agrees with the call for EPC reform and could have provided input to Which? on the extensive reform programme that is already underway, both by way of the EPC Action Plan and an upcoming consultation on EPC Reform itself.

“Information about the EPC Action Plan is publicly available on the Government website, and PEPA has been closely involved in its creation and in its delivery.”

He said PEPA has long campaigned to demystify EPCs for the industry and consumers and called for Which? to engage with the group.


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