CoPSO announces the resignation of Paul Albone as Director

The Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO), the trade association, announces the resignation of Paul Albone as Director.

Paul Albone, who recently left TM Group after 21 years, has resigned his position as a Director of CoPSO.

James Sherwood-Rogers, CoPSO Chair, commented:

“Paul has been an important and influential voice within CoPSO for many years, bringing a wealth of experience and technical expertise to the Council.

“The CoPSO Executive has written to Paul to extend its sincere and warm thanks for his invaluable contribution, and to wish him well in whatever the future holds.

“At a personal level it has been a pleasure working with Paul, and I hope that our paths cross again.”

Paul said:

“It has been great working with the CoPSO members and as part of the Executive Committee and watching how the regulated search market has matured and grown over the years.

“I may well be a customer in the future so will continue to keep a close eye on the work of CoPSO and its members.”


Kindly shared by The Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO)