BuildLoan welcomes The Bacon Review into self- and custom-build housing

BuildLoan comments on the recent publication (21 August) of the Bacon Review into self- and custom-build housing and its support for it.

The Bacon Review, which was commissioned by the Prime Minister, into the self and custom build market was published on Saturday. It puts forward recommendations for a major scaling-up of self-commissioned new homes to boost the overall housing supply.

Raymond Connor, CEO of BuildLoan, welcomes this important new housing review and commented:

“The Bacon Review is a major step forward in accelerating the self and custom build sector and I am fully supportive of the proposals within the report.

“The review lays out the steps to be taken by Government to ensure the missing market of 30,000 to 100,000 of new homes required by consumers is met.

“Importantly, the report recognises the need for more lending capacity going forward to finance what it sees as a great opportunity for truly customisable homes to come to the fore. BuildLoan has seen a rise in lender interest in the self and custom build market and expects to bring new products from additional lenders to market later this year.

“The government’s Help to Build Equity Loan Scheme is mentioned in the review as an urgent requirement to facilitate homeownership growth. New build brokers will be able to access help and support in respect of the scheme through BuildLoan when details are announced.”


Kindly shared by BuildLoan

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