Fixed-rate mortgages return to Darlington Building Society

Darlington Building Society is pleased to be re-joining the fixed-rate mortgages market with a range of standard and specialist mortgages.

These mortgages will provide homebuyers and those looking to remortgage with more choice, flexibility, and reassurance.

Fixed-rate mortgages return to Darlington Building Society

Chris Brown (Dave Charnley Photography)

Chris Brown, Products and Marketing Director at Darlington Building Society, said:

“Darlington Building Society is doubling down on its commitment to the mortgage market by reintroducing Fixed Rate mortgages, after remaining in the market with a range of variable rate options.

“We know that it’s a challenging time for buyers right now, and hope that bringing our Fixed Rate mortgages back to the market will provide reassurance, and additional choice, for those looking to buy their own home or re-mortgage to the Society.

“In addition to this, all of our borrowers who apply for a mortgage, continue to have their circumstances considered by a person, not a computer.”


Find Darlington Building Society’s full range of mortgages here.


Kindly shared by Darlington Building Society

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