Elite Conveyancing employs in-house Corporate Psychologist

Law firm, Elite Conveyancing has employed its very own in-house Corporate Psychologist, Steve Wood, to help keep its lawyers in peak performance and to promote wellbeing throughout the business.

Elite Conveyancing employs in-house Corporate Psychologist

Steve Wood

The appointment is thought to be a first for the industry and comes at a time when mental health remains a real concern for many conveyancing lawyers.

Wood will host individual sessions with each of the firm’s ‘Elite Lawyers’ on a monthly basis to help develop methods for managing stress and staying positive when working in a stressful environment. He will also be involved in the strategic development of the business to help maintain the firm’s focus on delivering service excellence.

Carl Brignell, CEO of Elite, says:

“Our intention has always been to be recognised as being the best firm in the market, not only from the perspective of clients and referrers, but also by our own lawyers.

“We challenged ourselves with getting the lawyers to actually enjoy conveyancing again and whilst we can’t change the legal process, improve other firms or take away all anxieties of our clients, we can change our mindset and our approach towards each of these areas.”

Wood, who has previously worked with several major blue chip companies including News Corporation, BAE and Hewlett Packard, commented:

“Elite Lawyers are high performing individuals working in a stressful environment.

“Similar to elite sports people, there comes a point when peak performance becomes as much about mentality than it does technical ability.

“I’m proud to be part of the team and excited about what we can achieve over the coming months and years.”

Emma Ford is an Elite Lawyer and says of the new initiative:

“Elite is a great place to work and is unlike any other law firm I have worked for before.

“There is a real pride within the firm about what we are doing in the industry and that leads to a far closer team environment.

“Our work with Steve so far has encouraged us to step back from the legal process and look at the work from different angles.”

Borne out of sheer frustration, Elite Conveyancing launched its own law firm in 2021 after struggling to find other law firms to sustain its high service standards as a panel manager. Since its launch the law firm has attracted some of the industry’s best lawyers and continually earns rave reviews from clients and referrers alike.


Kindly shared by Elite Conveyancing

Main article photo courtesy of Pixabay