Groundsure webinar: Commercial Real Estate and Climate Change: What law firms need to know

Groundsure have announced their latest webinar on Commercial Real Estate and Climate Change: What law firms need to know.

    • Date: Tuesday, 15 November 2022
    • Time: 11:00 a.m.
    • Duration: 1 hour
    • Details:

In this brand-new webinar, hear from our guest speaker, Environmental Lawyer Stephen Sykes, who will take a look at climate change and the impact it is having and will have on the Commercial property space.

During this session, Stephen will cover:

* Climate change – what impact is it having / going to have on UK land and buildings?

* Compliance – your legal duties to warn clients about climate impacts and disclose information to clients – leading KC opinion & GC article; Law Society guidance

* ‘Market Regulation’ – pressure on property lawyers and conveyancers from lenders and PI insurers & the relevance of ESG

* How to discharge your climate duties – introducing ClimateIndexTM – property specific climate analysis, integrated into standard environmental searches at no extra cost for clients

* Q&A: a great opportunity for you to ask questions you may have.


Kindly shared by Groundsure

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