Geodesys webinar: Ten Good Habits when Advising on or Drafting Commercial Leases

Geodesys announces its latest webinar, which talks about the ten good habits when advising on or drafting commercial leases.

Ten Good Habits when Advising on or Drafting Commercial Leases
    • Date: Tuesday 2nd July, 2024
    • Time: 11:15 a.m. (BST)
    • Duration: 1 hour
    • Webinar content:

Geodesys is excited to bring you part two of our webinar series in partnership with IQ Legal Training.

This webinar, presented by Ian Quayle and Geodesys Key Account Manager Kay Toon, will take a deeper dive into drafting and advising on commercial leases and will cover the following topics:

* Defining the demise, term and parties

* Dealing with repair and user covenants 

* Assignment and break clauses – things to look out for 

* Problem clauses and how to deal with them 

* Land Registration Issues 

It is aimed at Local Authority, commercial, and in-house solicitors. Time will be allocated for delegate questions at the end of the webinar and extensive notes will be provided. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to further your knowledge of commercial leases.


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