Smart Enquiries platform launches with over 200 lawyers using the first specialist enquiry management platform

Smart Enquiries platform by Legalito launches with over 200 lawyers using the first specialist enquiry management platform.

Lawtech start-up Legalito have today launched their new Smart Enquiries solution, with over 200 lawyers firms across the country already using the platform. Founded by Peter Ambrose of award-winning conveyancing firm The Partnership, Legalito has invested in a dedicated development team focused on the design and build of the Smart Enquiries platform, which, following a robust and successful Beta testing phase over the last three months, is now live. 

Enquiries have long been identified as the single most significant cause of delay in the residential transaction process, together with professional indemnity insurers confirming that it is the major cause of claims against property lawyers. 

However, there is currently no mandated or standard approach to the way in which enquiries are raised or managed, leading to a disparate approach between firms that creates significant delays during the transaction process. 

Solving the challenge of effective and efficient enquiries management not only benefits the law firms that use the Legalito Smart Enquiries platform, but also provides significant benefits for the estate agents that work with conveyancers who use it, as faster completion times significantly improve both agent cashflow and reputation. 

Not only that, but agents can be sent an update every time there is a change, meaning that all parties involved in the transaction can be kept fully up-to-date with progress as well as identifying where further chasing or information is required in order to keep the transaction on track. 

The Legalito team have created Smart Enquiries specifically to address the challenges around enquiry management by drawing heavily on their decades of experience both in the conveyancing and technology sectors. As an approved Microsoft application, Legalito have addressed the issue of ‘platform fatigue’ so common in the lawtech space where users refuse to use systems because they must manually log into multiple websites.

As a result, Smart Enquiries users who also use Office365 don’t need a separate login as the platform is totally cloud-based, enabling them to view enquiries instantly from within their case management system regardless of which one they use, even if it’s proprietary, with no integration to the Smart Enquiries platform required. 

Peter Ambrose, CEO of Legalito, comments:

“We’re delighted that Smart Enquiries is now open for every conveyancer to use. 

“As enquiries cause such delays together with being the highest element of risk during a residential property transaction, this is a ‘real world’ problem worth solving and the user feedback from our successful Beta phase absolutely supports this. 

“Over 200 lawyers have so far used the platform to raise and reply to enquiries electronically, with many firms replying to enquiries within a matter of hours, something that previously would have taken weeks.

“We have proven that not only is the need for this solution very real, but that the Smart Enquiries system delivers on its promise to solve this problem for the benefit of the industry.”

Neil Hayes, a partner at Taylor Rose, comments:

“We recognised years ago that managing enquiries efficiently was one of the biggest hurdles we needed to overcome .

“That’s why we were delighted to see that Legalito has grabbed the bull by the horns and produced a beautifully sophisticated solution that eliminates much of the frustrating to and fro of the enquiry process.”

The Legalito Smart Enquiries platform is is currently available for legal professionals to use free of charge, who register via the Legalito website. 

It is anticipated the charging model of £7.50 + VAT per case will be introduced within the next few months. It is expected that this may be passed onto clients as part of their conveyancing service.

Peter Ambrose concludes:

“We have been delighted by the positive response that we have received. 

“Firms such as Meaby & Co, Hedges Law, Thomas Flavell & Sons, Priory Law and Evolve Law are all enjoying the huge benefits that the Smart Enquiries platform delivers, and we very much look forward to sharing the benefits with the rest of our industry in the coming weeks and months.”


Kindly shared by Legalito