BPF reaction to the Prime Minister’s speech on climate change policy

British Property Federation (BPF) Chief Executive Melanie Leech comments on the Prime Minister’s speech on changes to the climate change policy.

“Today’s speech from the Prime Minister was deeply frustrating for the long-term investors and property owners who have already made long term plans and financial commitments to ensure they can play their part in meeting the UK’s climate change commitments.

“The Prime Minister has said that the Government remains committed to the 2050 Net Zero target but pushing back planned interim milestones is the opposite of what we need.

“While we understand the need for pragmatism to support households, businesses need certainty in order to invest.

“Changing the strategic goalposts will deter investment, make the task of meeting the 2050 target much harder and mean more inefficient older buildings are left ‘stranded’ with an economic drag on town and city centres.

“We urge Government to provide and commit to a clear timetable for decarbonising the built environment to accelerate rather than hold back the pace of change.”


Kindly shared by British Property Federation (BPF)