Credas achieves pioneering milestone as the UK’s first identity service provider to attain the top level of confidence

Credas achieves pioneering milestone as the UK’s first identity service provider to attain the top level of confidence.

Credas, a leading Identity Service Provider (IDSP), has become the inaugural provider in the UK to secure the highest level of confidence under the UK Government’s Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework. This remarkable achievement underscores Credas’ unwavering commitment to innovation, security, and cutting-edge technology in the field of identity verification.

The distinguished accomplishment follows a comprehensive evaluation of Credas’ newly unveiled platform against the exacting standards outlined by the Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework. Independent assessment of their new platform has resulted in Credas being certified to achieve a “Very High” level of confidence in the domain of verifying individuals’ identities. The Trust Framework, overseen by the Department of Science, Innovation, and Technology, is poised to gain the force of law when the UK’s Data Protection and Digital Information (No.2) bill receives royal assent.

Credas achieves pioneering milestone as the UK's first identity service provider to attain the top level of confidence

Key to this groundbreaking certification is the rigorous independent assessment that IDSPs must undergo to demonstrate their proficiency in meeting specific identity profile benchmarks. As a pioneer in the industry, Credas has exemplified its capability to not only meet but exceed these benchmarks, positioning the company as a frontrunner in the burgeoning landscape of digital identity verification.

Within the government’s guidance, a hierarchical structure of four distinct confidence levels is outlined, with the “Very High” level signifying the pinnacle of attainable assurance. By successfully attaining this standard, Credas’ advanced technology stands poised to facilitate Right-to-Work checks and Enhanced DBS checks even in remote scenarios. This achievement is a testament to Credas’ commitment to continually investing in its platform, with additions such as customisable branding and a fortified identity verification suite, thereby ensuring that clients can avail themselves of the highest degree of certainty and confidence when authenticating individuals’ identities.

Speaking on this groundbreaking achievement, Tim Barnett, CEO at Credas, expressed:

“We have invested heavily in our new platform, delivering new features as well as enhancing our identity verification offering.

“We now stand as the epitome of certainty and security in identity verification as the first identity service provider to be certified to achieve the highest level of confidence attainable.

“As the horizon reveals the prospect of reusable digital IDs, Credas remains steadfast in our commitment to ushering in an era of safe, seamless, and secure remote identity verification for both consumers and businesses alike.”

In a world where digital interactions are becoming increasingly prevalent, Credas’ accomplishment exemplifies the trust and reliability required so that remote identity verification is not only feasible but also exceptionally secure. Credas continues to pave the way for a future where individuals and organisations can conduct their affairs with the utmost confidence in the realm of digital identity.


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