Landmark Information Group comments on current political instability

Mike Holden, Divisional Director of Growth at Landmark Information Group, comments on the UK’s current political instability.

Following PM Liz Truss’s resignation yesterday (20 October 2022), property data company Landmark Information Group comments on what the political instability means for the property market.

Mike Holden says:

“Whilst it is too early to say what impact the resignation will have on the property market, it’s positive that any immediate period of uncertainty won’t drag on as we saw last summer.

“We’re still seeing strong demand from people wanting to move and the initial rallying of the markets in response to the news could help further consumer confidence.

“However, there is no denying that this is still a hugely uncertain time for the market – investors and home-movers alike will be watching with keen interest any new housing policies implemented by a new Cabinet.

“What we urgently need now is clarity on the direction of travel for the UK’s home-moving market – and this will only come with a sustained period of stability.”


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