The European countries with the highest-paying law roles!

A career in law can be one of the highest-paying professions, and Wright Hassall researched global average search volumes for the most popular job roles.

A highly competitive industry that currently has over 20,000 students studying in England and Wales* alone, there are lots of job opportunities available.

Intrigued by this, legal experts researched global average search volumes for the most popular job roles in law. These job roles were then narrowed down to the top five, and the average salary for each role was collected from for the top 20 richest countries in Europe.

This allowed to reveal which countries pay the most for each job role!

The Highest- and Lowest-Paying Countries in Europe Per Sector:
Job Role Highest-Paying Country and Average Yearly Salary Lowest-Paying Country and Average Yearly Salary Average Salary From All 20 Countries
Paralegal Switzerland (£62,697) Russia (£6,949) £37,944
Legal Secretary Switzerland (£59,079) Russia (£5,869) £30,095
Attorney Switzerland (£110,865) Romania (£9,161) £61,696
Legal Mediator Denmark (£57,234) Russia (£7,852) £35,451
Solicitor Norway (£112,490) Russia (£18,037) £79,718


Legal Roles Broken Down

  • can reveal that the highest paying country for Paralegal job opportunities is Switzerland! The average yearly salary is recorded as £62,697 (79,186 CHF)!
  • In second place is Denmark, at £56,267 – the approximate equivalent of 482,280kr. In third is Belgium (£50,493) and in fourth is Austria with £50,232.
  • The European country with the fifth highest average salary is Germany, at £49,755.
  • The European country fifth from the bottom for the average yearly salary is Portugal, with a yearly average salary of £23,285. Fourth from the bottom is the Czech Republic (£19,691) and third from the bottom is Poland (£16,968).
  • The second-lowest paid country for Paralegal jobs is Romania, with an average yearly salary of £10,729, whilst the lowest paid country for Paralegal jobs is Russia, at only £6,949 as an average yearly salary.
Legal Secretary:
  • The highest paying country for a Legal Secretary position is Switzerland! The average yearly salary equates to £59,076 (74,616 CHF).
  • Denmark follows in second (£54,475), the Netherlands in third (£43,096), Belgium in fourth (£42,914), and Finland in fifth (£41,174).
  • Rounding off the bottom five, ranking 16 out of the 20 countries analysed, is the United Kingdom. The average yearly salary for a Legal Secretary position in the UK is £18,532.
  • In 17th is the Czech Republic (£17,563), 18th is Poland (£14,725), and in 19th place is Romania (£9,161).
  • The country paying the least for a Legal Secretary position, at £5,869 per annum, is Russia.
  • Switzerland once again takes the top spot, being the highest paying country for an Attorney role at £110,865.
  • Norway lands in second place, at £94,552, whilst Denmark follows in third at £94,003, and Germany in fourth – £91,704.
  • Ireland is the fifth highest-paying country for Attorneys, at an average per annum salary of £89,167.
  • At the other end of the scale, found that Greece ranks in 16th with an average yearly salary of £20,931.
  • Portugal places 17th (£19,975), the Czech Republic places 18th (£17,563), and Russia places 19th (£15,212).
  • Romania ranks as the lowest paying country for Attorneys, with an average salary of £9,161 per annum.
Legal Mediator:
  • can reveal that Switzerland is the highest paying country for Legal Mediator positions, with an average salary of £57,232.
  • Norway lands second, at £48,812, followed by Denmark as third with an average yearly salary of £48,528.
  • Germany ranks fourth at £47,342, whilst Ireland is fifth at £46,033 for Legal Mediator positions.
  • One of the lowest paying countries is Portugal, paying only £24,917 per annum. Below is the Czech Republic, ranking 17th, with an average salary of £21,268.
  • Not too far behind, in 18th, is Poland, at £19,177, whilst Romania ranks 19th with an average salary of £13,264 and Russia ranks 20th paying an average of £7,852 per year.
  • The highest paying country for Solicitor positions is Norway! The average yearly salary in this Scandinavian country is £112,490.
  • Denmark follows in second place, with a yearly salary of £111,838, whilst Germany ranks third at £109,102 and Ireland places fourth with a salary of £106,084.
  • Finland ranks as the fifth highest paying country, with an average salary of £102,039 per annum.
  • uncovered that Portugal is the fifth lowest paying country for Solicitor roles, with a year average salary of £57,422.
  • The Czech Republic ranks as the fourth lowest, with a salary of £49,013, and Poland follows as the third lowest (£44,195), with Romania as the second lowest – £30,579.
  • Unsurprisingly, the lowest paying country for Solicitor job roles is Russia, with a yearly average salary of just £18,037.


*Statistic from


Kindly shared by Wright Hassall

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