BPF response to Government’s £54 million funding boost for local authorities.
British Property Federation responds to Government’s £54 million funding boost for local authorities.
Melanie Leech, Chief Executive, British Property Federation comments:
“DCLG’s Land Release Fund, in partnership with the Cabinet Office and Local Government Association’s One Public estate programme, is a significant boost for local councils to release unused or surplus land for much needed housing. DCLG, however, must ensure the funding is released effectively and at speed if this initiative is to truly support Government reach its housing targets by 2020. In tandem with this, Government must drive forward the promised changes in the Housing White Paper, such as the amendments to the National Planning Policy Framework and the increase of planning fees for over-stretched local planning authorities, to give local councils the impetus to strategically plan for and deliver a range of housing tenures. A multi-tenure approach is critical to fixing the UK’s broken housing market.”
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